
Your child doesn't want to sleep?

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About us


My name is Agnieszka Piotrowska and I am the well-rested and happy mother of Marysia, Gabrysia and Franio. I am the first Polish Certified Sleep Consultant (CSC), a graduate of the Family Sleep Institute, USA, and the founder of GoodNight Sleep Consulting a. During my teacher training (M.A. degree at the University of Gdańsk), I took a one-year psychology and pedagogy course. I am a certified Positive Discipline Educator. My passion, mission and vision is to help desperate and tired parents whose children will not or cannot sleep well. I am also involved in awareness-raising activities aiming at communicating the role of sleep in children’s healthy development, and promoting the principles of safe and healthy sleep from the first days of life. By helping parents and children sleep better and wake up well rested, I make a contribution to gradually spreading the joy of parenthood and even to increasing the birth rate in Poland.
About us

What makes GoodNight Sleep Consulting special?

About us

The most frequent problems we help to solve

Difficulty falling asleep
Frequent waking in the night
Waking up too early
Night feeding of babies who do not need it
Too short or no naps
Switching from two naps to one or from one to none
Moving from a crib to a bed
Moving from parent’s to child’s own bed
Sleep problems caused by parent returning to work, sickness, new caregivers, travel, new siblings, etc.

Work with us



Frequently asked questions

Who is a Child Sleep Consultant?

A Child Sleep Consultant, with her knowledge on child’s sleep physiology and her experience, provides counsel, educates and supports parents in their attempts to improve the sleep quality of their child aged 0–6 years. The profession is believed to have emerged in Australia in the 1980s and is becoming more and more popular around the world. Along with a lactation consultant or a doula, she is yet another professional who can help exhausted and often confused parents to fully enjoy their motherhood or fatherhood.

What problems can a Child Sleep Consultant help with?

The Consultant usually helps when a child and its family experience long-term weariness resulting from the child’s recurrent problems with falling asleep, night waking and/or too short or no naps during the day.

When should I consider getting in touch with a Child Sleep Consultant?

If parents are concerned about any aspect of their child’s sleep pattern (e.g. they feel the child generally sleeps too little, sleeps restlessly, tossing and turning or crying in its sleep, naps are too short, the child has problems falling asleep, snores or breathes irregularly during sleep, wakes up often and for a prolonged time at night, etc.), the first thing to do is always to consult a paediatrician. Some disorders that can affect sleep quality are: allergies, infant reflux, recurrent otitis, disorders involving pruritus (AD, parasite infection) or pain, breathing disorders, etc.

Only after health grounds of sleep issues have been ruled out (the paediatrician can refer your child to a specialist, e.g. a neurologist, allergist or gastroenterologist, or order further tests) can you consider so-called behavioural sleep disorders, including problems falling asleep, night waking due to the child or its parents’ incorrect behaviour which affects sleep duration and quality, e.g. parents’ inability to set limits, child’s bedtime resistance, etc. In such cases, the parents may want to contact a Child Sleep Consultant.

Which option would be best for us – one-to-one consultation or on-line training?

The choice between one-to-one cooperation (option 2 or 3 on the price list) or training does not depend on the scale of problems with the child’s sleep because in both cases we provide parents with the same theoretical knowledge. One-to-one cooperation is usually the best solution for parents who like to be “led by the hand” when introducing changes and need direct daily motivation in the form of e-mails/phone calls. Parents who are consistent and determined enough to work on their own usually opt for training – in this case they receive support via a closed FB group.

Will we have to teach our child to fall asleep on its own in order to improve its sleep pattern?

The inability to fall asleep on one’s own is often the cause of sleeping problems; however, a number of children who do not fall asleep on their own do not have any trouble with their sleep. Sometimes, taking care of the following aspects of sleep hygiene brings incredible results (children fall asleep faster and wake up at night less often, thus they do not need to learn to fall asleep on their own):

  • correct, age-appropriate nap, awake and asleep times
  • introducing a regular, relaxing bedtime ritual
  • providing an optimal place to sleep
  • avoiding caffeine and other stimulants (applies to older children and breastfeeding mums)

Does teaching the child to fall asleep on its own involve leaving it alone to cry it out and finally doze off?

There are a number of methods (so-called behavioural techniques) that can help the child fall asleep on its own. The main difference between them is the way parents react to the child’s crying during the teaching period:

– the most extreme and controversial is the so-called “cry it out” / “extinction” method. It requires parents not to react to the crying child during bedtime; the child is put to bed in the evening, and parents only come back at a specific time in the morning, even if it cries at night. This method usually brings effects within a few days.

– “controlled crying”, “Ferberisation”, “check and console”, “fading”; one of the first versions of this method was developed by an American paediatrician, Richard Ferber, hence the name “Ferberisation”; it involves leaving the crying baby and consoling it every now and then at specific, usually progressively increasing intervals, e.g. every 3–5–7 minutes. This method is usually effective after 7–10 days.

– various types of so-called “camping out” or “fading”, in which parents gradually reduce their presence and associations with falling asleep; they are still there when the baby is falling asleep, but they move further away from the crib (this usually takes approximately 1–2 weeks). Another version of “camping out” consists in slowly moving the baby away, e.g. in the case of co-sleeping. If the baby sleeps in a crib, you gradually move it further away from the parents’ bed. In the case of older children, the baby can initially sleep on a separate mattress near the parents, and then the distance between them is increased. This method is usually effective in 1–4 weeks.

– so-called “staylistening”, which can be a method on its own or can be used to supplement other methods; in this case, parents passively accompany the child while it is crying, e.g. by holding it in their arms. This method is usually effective after 7-14 days.

– the “put up/put down” method, named and popularised by a British nurse, Tracy Hogg, involves putting the baby up when it cries and putting it down right after it stops crying. This method is usually effective after 7-14 days.

– very slow (spread over weeks/months) withdrawal of assisting the baby while falling asleep with mixed methods, involving elements of e.g. camping out or very gentle departure from the association of breastfeeding with falling asleep (e.g. the method developed by an American parenting educator, Elizabeth Pantley). This method usually brings effects after a few weeks up to a few months.

… and other methods, including combinations of the above.

What methods of teaching a child to fall asleep on its own do GoodNight Consultants use?

In case the child needs to learn to fall asleep on its own in order to improve sleep quality, at GoodNight Sleep Consulting we offer parents our own methods to do that based on the belief that you should never leave your baby alone to cry it out.

Should we wait until the sleep problem goes away as the baby grows up?

Most children gradually grow out of sleep problems. However, a number of studies show that this is not always the case, and sometimes, unresolved infant sleep problems can last until preschool or school age. Sleep is one of our basic physiological needs (in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, it is next to food, water and oxygen), therefore, a one-night or – more importantly – chronic sleep loss has its specific, scientifically-proven consequences for both physical and mental health. So first of all, it is the parents that should ask themselves if, and how long, they can wait and if their child will actually grow out of these sleep problems. Sleep deprivation often has tremendous and nearly unbearable effects in the long run (over the course of several months or years).

What can the consequences of sleep loss for adults and children be?

Chronic sleep deprivation in adults has been well documented in a number of studies. What we know is that sleep loss leads to a bad mood, concentration problems, vision problems, longer reaction time, micro-sleep during the day which can affect daily activities or even cause risk (e.g. when driving), memory lapses, schematic thinking leading to making bad decisions, and emotional disturbances, e.g. troubled interpersonal relations or increased aggression. Sleep deprivation can often cause negative changes to our immune system, increase the risk of obesity, diabetes or heart diseases. After 20–25 hours without sleep, the decreased general performance is comparable to a blood alcohol level of 0.10%. The consequences of chronic sleep deprivation or light sleep for a few days in a row accumulate and have similar effects to a single sleeplessness period lasting for several dozen hours.

More and more studies also show that interrupted or insufficient sleep can have serious, far-reaching consequences (partly similar to the effects in adults) for babies: a negative influence on their cognitive development (e.g. learning, memory consolidation), mood regulation (e.g. chronic irritability, poor emotional regulation), attention and behaviour (e.g. aggression, hyperactivity, poor impulse control), health (metabolism and immunity, accidental injuries) and general well-being.



One-hour consultation over phone/Skype

90 EUR

Contact us
A consultation is meant to help parents solve specific problems with their baby’s sleep pattern, such as difficulties switching from two to one nap a day, getting up very early in the morning, temporarily lower-quality sleep due to an illness or adaptation to nursery, etc. The consultation is preceded by a review of feedback provided in the completed questionnaire and the preparation of a brief Discussion Outline. Note: This option is exclusive of the individual Sleep Plan and is usually not enough if your baby cannot fall asleep on its own.

Consultation package No.2

250 EUR

Contact us
review of the feedback from the completed questionnaire preparation of an individual Sleep Plan 90 minutes discussion of the Sleep Plan over phone/Skype e-mail support over the 2-weeks’ implementation of the Plan: 15 e-mails to the GoodNight Consultant and 15 replies the e-mail limit can be used on any days, however you can send up to 3 e-mails to the GoodNight Consultant per day the e-mail limit can be used over a period of up to 2 weeks from the start of the Plan implementation any number of e-mails can be exchanged for a 10-minute phone call (1 e-mail = 10 minutes) contact with the GoodNight Consultant during the Plan implementation: from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. concluding phone/Skype call

Consultation package No.3

350 EUR

Contact us
review of the feedback from the completed questionnaire preparation of an individual Sleep Plan 2-hour discussion of the Sleep Plan over phone/Skype unlimited e-mail support over the 2-weeks’ implementation of the Plan up to 3 hours of phone support over the 2-weeks’ implementation of the Plan contact with the GoodNight Consultant during the Plan implementation: from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. concluding phone/Skype call

Do you have questions?

Send email at or use the contact form


Experience and scope of operations

Agnieszka and Edyta have been working in the field for 5 and 2 years, respectively, helping parents deal with their babies’ sleep patterns. So far, they have worked with almost 2000 families (during one-to-one consultation as well as trainings and workshops) from 20 countries on 5 continents. Services are also offered in English.

Respect and an individual approach

All parents raise their children in the spirit of the values they believe in, their parenting philosophy or simply according to what their intuition tells them. Every family and every child is different. There is no universal parenting model that can guarantee your child will develop the way it should. Every step of the way, at GoodNight Sleep Consulting we fully respect the parents’ rules and let them do things according to what they believe is right.

Working with other specialists

GoodNight Sleep Consulting cooperates with psychologists, psychotherapists, child psychologists, dieticians, therapists, speech therapists, breastfeeding advocates, etc. and if necessary, we can help you put in touch with one of these specialists.

The quality of customer service

Od kilku lat (Agnieszka od 5 a Edyta od 2 lat) pracujemy z sukcesami pomagając rodzicom borykającymi się ze snem swojego dziecka. Na koncie mamy współpracę z aktualnie ponad 1500 rodzin (w ramach konsultacji indywidualnych oraz szkoleń i warsztatów) z 20 krajów i na 5 kontynentach. Możliwa jest współpraca w języku angielskim.

One-to-one cooperation (option 2 or 3 on the price list)
  • STEP 1.
  • Contact us via the inquiry form or by sending an e-mail to
  • STEP 2.
  • In response, we will offer you a free and non-binding 15-minute initial talk (phone/Skype). Prior to the talk, you will receive a detailed questionnaire on your child’s sleeping habits, which you will need to fill in. Note: the free initial talk is only available if you are interested in option 2 or 3; it is not available in case of a one-hour consultation.
  • STEP 3.
  • During the 15-minute initial talk, we will discuss your child’s sleep problems (based on our analysis of the questionnaire) and explain what working with GoodNight Sleep Consulting is like. We will answer your questions and address any doubts. After the talk, you will be able to decide whether you want to work with us.
  • STEP 4.
  • If you choose to work with us, we will prepare a detailed Sleep Plan which will help you eliminate your child’s sleep problems, so that the whole family will wake up well-rested and relaxed.
  • STEP 5.
  • After you have read the Sleep Plan, we will arrange for a long call (phone/Skype) in order to discuss it in detail and decide on when to start the implementation of the plan.
  • STEP 6.
  • After we have discussed the Plan and started implementation, we will keep in touch every day for two weeks (except weekends), with the frequency and form of support depending on the option you have selected.
  • STEP 7.
  • After we have completed the Plan, we will look at the results and enjoy our success.
One-hour consultation
  • STEP 1.
  • Contact us via the inquiry form or by sending an e-mail to
  • STEP 2.
  • In response, we will schedule a consultation. Prior to the talk, you will receive a detailed questionnaire on your child’s sleeping habits, which you will need to fill in. Based on a review of the questionnaire, we will prepare a general outline containing suggested solutions to your problem – you will receive the outline before the call.
  • STEP 3.
  • During the 60-minute call, we will discuss your child’s sleep problem and the proposed actions. We will answer your questions and address any doubts.

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